Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's been awhile...

It's definitely been a while since I last posted. Things are going pretty well. I'm busy as ever teaching summer camp and going to school. My little sister Alyx moved in a few weeks ago, and it's going great. She is outdoors all day in the hot sun, and she's always just so beat when we get home. She's not used to working all day, and I think the camp is working her hard!

I restarted my exercise routine. I had to take a break when I had the lung clot because it hurt to much to breathe heavily. Then I got a horrible cold which lingered on for weeks. But, now I'm happy to say that I'm feeling much better and have restarted the exercise. I plan on working out at my work's fitness center Monday-Friday while I'm waiting for Alyx to finish camp. I've lost 45 pounds so far (woo-hoo!) but dread the thought of hanging on to the remainder. I feel like I've been wearing my current size for months. So, I'm stepping it up a notch!

In the meantime, I feel like I haven't seen close friends in a while. Give me a call, I'd love to do something!

1 comment:

Reade said...

Ken you are doing great!! Keep it up and don't get frustrated!!! Love you.